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Posts Tagged ‘Obama’

Obama Originally Kenyan? Pressure Mounts

In Elections, Politics, Social Issues, Supreme Court on May 7, 2010 at 2:55 pm

If you don’t know it, one of the most decorated military officers still actively commissioned in the U.S. Army, LTC Terry Lakin, has refused to obey orders to deploy to Afganistan.  His justification is that the orders are signed by President Obama who has not proven, but rather spent nearly a million dollars in legal fees to keep the truth about his true birthplace hidden.  The pressure is mounting, Read the rest of this entry »

Congressman Baird You Were Wrong

In Health Care, Politics, Social Issues, Tax on May 4, 2010 at 8:23 pm

Opinion “C” is:

(May 3rd, Baird letter below this response)

May 4th, 2010

Dear Congressman Baird,

I appreciate that you took the time to respond to those of us who do not agree with this “health care” legislation.

I doubt my email in a sea of thousands is going to change your mind, as it appears from your message below, that you strongly believe health insurance is far more important than civil liberty.  But I must write anyway.

As you may well know, the people that are opposed to the recent health care legislation are generally interested not just in health care, but in a whole host if issues. The first is Liberty.   Read the rest of this entry »

Arizona Law Exposes Obama Weakness

In Elections, Immigration, Social Issues on April 23, 2010 at 7:20 pm

Apparently Mr. Obama doesn’t understand that laws that clearly define crimes are not popular to criminals.  Well, you have to understand a strong motivation.  These criminals are the same folks that want the handouts that the Government is trying to use to bribe people to vote for socialists like Obama.

The new Arizona law takes affect in about 5 months.

Opinion “C” is: The concern over racial profiling  is a ruse.  Most smart law enforcement professionals, and most are smart, know that the demographics of crime are across multi-cultural lines.  They also know that they can use the same enforcement in the public venue to take care of ANY person here illegally no matter where they are from.  They also are not ignorant of the fact that most people here illegally in their state are going to be from somewhere in Mexico and countries to the South and South East of Mexico.  THEY ALSO KNOW that most of the people in their state are there LEGALLY so they have to keep their wits about them to ensure they don’t tread on our freedom.  And FREEDOM and LIBERTY are the WHOLE purpose of this law.  Anyone can be here as long as they come through the front door.  The only people upset about this Read the rest of this entry »

Those Who Buy Obama

In Elections, Tax on April 20, 2010 at 2:20 pm

Want to know who bought President Obama’s power like a stock trade?  Here is a quick list These Guys pulled together. Then you will see why Obama is still favoring the folks that lined his campaign pockets.

University of California: $1,591,395
Goldman Sachs: $994,795
Harvard University: $854,747
Microsoft Corp: $833,617 Read the rest of this entry »

Too Many Laws; Too Little Time

In Politics on April 18, 2010 at 11:21 pm

When I think about all that is in the news related to politics, I get overwhelmed.  As time rolls on it seems that Washington is trying to make as many changes as they can as fast as they can in hopes that something sticks.  It is as if they want to confuse the public and camouflage the opposition arguments in a sea of political maneuvers.  It is difficult for those in the media who would want to cover it all to actually do it.   Read the rest of this entry »

Like Zoinks Pelosi!

In Social Issues on April 12, 2010 at 10:03 pm

Not only did the health care bill confuse us average Americans, but the lawmakers themselves, like an impulsive teen buying their first car, did not take the time to read the fine print.  In an ironic turn of events, the new law may have pushed these “highly informed” lawmakers out into the cold cruel world of health insurance accidentally and/or prematurely.  Imagine that.  They have to live like the rest of us for awhile and they did not even KNOW IT.

As it stands, an amendment according to the N.Y. Times clearly states that members of congress could be forced out of the Federal Health Benefit and into a state run exchange.  The problem is they never declared what date the federal benefit would end. Anyone familiar with legislation on the Hill knows, Acts signed into law are effective the day it is signed unless stated otherwise.  Obama put ink to that paper 3 weeks ago.  I remember it CLEARLY.

And what about the new exchanges they need to go to? The effective year is 2014.  On top of that according to the Times, the law states that someone in authority can authorize expiration of Federal Benefits BEFORE the exchanges start.  WOW.

My favorite quote, though, is this in the New York TimesRead the rest of this entry »

Voight Will Move Votes

In Elections, Politics, Social Issues on April 11, 2010 at 12:10 am

If you missed Jon with his latest “stunt” as the progressives are likely to call it, you need to catch this.  

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Really – It’s Not About Health Care

In Social Issues on March 31, 2010 at 7:34 pm

How often does a bill out of congress really solve the issue its stated intention claims.  I’m not talking about all of the various resolutions that honor our countrymen and women for meritorious service to this country.  I am not even talking about appropriations bills that are required to keep the military operational and all other agencies lights on and civil servants paid. Servants? We’ll come back to that in another post.

I am talking about the several bills a year that attempt to solve social issues.   This is the muddy area.  Subjective by nature, this a primary arena where many passionate debaters wage the war of ideas.  We don’t quibble over most of the simple bills in congress.  Except maybe the ones that congratulate presidents for getting peace prizes before peace is obtained or for non-accomplishments other than peace at all.  And even these debates get hot and then die fast due to the lack of permanent damage.  I think many of us who disagree with these just think “how ridiculous” and move on.  You can give the President a Cleo for all the creative advertising of his ideas for all I care. Read the rest of this entry »

Health Care Reform? Don’t Think So

In Social Issues on March 30, 2010 at 2:52 pm

Last year I thought there might be a little credibility to the notion that the Federal Government may have some compassion on our less fortunate in terms of what we all can afford in health care costs. This was interesting to me because I had been thinking for a few years now how the price of premiums is not commensurate with the amount of service I was getting. It really struck home when I did not have coverage and low and behold I got better care from a generous non-profit clinic than I did from a medical doctor paid for through insurance means.

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