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Banking Mystery Uncovered

In Consitution, Economics, Elections, Politics, Tax on May 12, 2010 at 12:28 pm

You want to know what inflation really is.  Watch this:

Opinion “C” is: Until we elect enough people in this country who are far more freedom minded to the point they will solve the 1913 Federal Reserve underhanded evaporation of economic freedom in this country, we will ALWAYS be played by the political forces that be.  America.  Enslaved until truly economically free.

Think you are not a slave?  Do you see the taxes that come out of your check.  Would you be fined or jailed if you stopped paying them?    There is a better way folks.  This country did it from 1776 to 1913.  We can do it again.  YES WE CAN!

Want more background?  Click this link:

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